Jan 29, 2018
Captain Marvel Costume, Disney XD Spider-Man, Marvel 2-In-One Issue #2: Superconnectivity Episode #169
Charlie and Phil discuss various topics including:
Goodbye Inhumans (and Scott Buck)
Electro’s lazy origin and metagenes
Captain Marvel and Wasp MCU costumes
Disney XD’s Marvel’s Spider-Man and Avengers: Black...
Jan 27, 2018
Jan 27, 2018
Lilith Hellfire and Phil Perich continue their John Constantine journey by discussing Constantine issue #4 from DC Comics New 52!
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Jan 25, 2018
Trial of the Flash, Black Lightning episode 1, Nintendo Switch: Capes and Lunatics Episode #36
This week your geek guides discuss various topics including:
The Gifted season 1 finale
This week’s CW shows including the Legion of superheroes on Supergirl, the trial of the Flash, Black Lightning episode 1, and Team Arrow...
Jan 24, 2018
Avengers #676, Mighty Thor #703, Doctor Strange #384: Superconnectivity Episode #168
Charlie and Phil discuss various topics including:
Charlie’s theory about the true identity of Valerie Vector aka Voyager
Doctor Strange issue #384 and the price Stephen Strange will pay
Legends of Tomorrow news including new team...